Noun Concept
Categories: Hellenistic art, Hellenistic sculpture
Hellenistic art  Hellenistic architecture  Hellenistic Mosaics  Hellenistic paintings  Hellenistic pottery
Hellenistic art is the art of the Hellenistic period generally taken to begin with the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE and end with the conquest of the Greek world by the Romans, a process well underway by 146 BCE, when the Greek mainland was taken, and essentially ending in 30 BCE with the conquest of Ptolemaic Egypt following the Battle of Actium. Wikipedia
Hellenistic art is the art of the Hellenistic period generally taken to begin with the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE and end with the conquest of the Greek world by the Romans, a process well underway by 146 BCE, when the Greek mainland was taken, and essentially ending in 30 BCE with the conquest of Ptolemaic Egypt following the Battle of Actium. Wikipedia
The art of the Hellenistic period Wikipedia Disambiguation