Noun Concept
Categories: Condition of the skin appendages stubs, Conditions of the skin appendages
melanonychia  Longitudinal melanonychia  Pigmented streaks in the nail  transverse melanonychia
Melanonychia is a black or brown pigmentation of the normal nail plate, and may be present as a normal finding on many digits in Afro-Caribbeans, as a result of trauma, systemic disease, or medications, or as a postinflammatory event from such localized events as lichen planus or fixed drug eruption. Wikipedia
Melanonychia is a black or brown pigmentation of the normal nail plate, and may be present as a normal finding on many digits in Afro-Caribbeans, as a result of trauma, systemic disease, or medications, or as a postinflammatory event from such localized events as lichen planus or fixed drug eruption. Wikipedia
A black or brown pigmentation of the nail plate. Wiktionary