Noun Named Entity
Categories: Italian Resistance, 1943 establishments in Italy, Defunct political party alliances in Italy, 1945 in Italy, Anti-fascism in Italy
National Liberation Committee  Anti-Fascist Committee of National Liberation for Northern Italy  Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale  Committee for National Liberation  Italian Committee of National Liberation
The National Liberation Committee was a political umbrella organization and the main representative of the Italian resistance movement fighting against Nazi Germany's forces during the German occupation of Italy in the aftermath of the armistice of Cassibile, while simultaneously fighting against Italian Fascists during the Italian Civil War. Wikipedia
The National Liberation Committee was a political umbrella organization and the main representative of the Italian resistance movement fighting against Nazi Germany's forces during the German occupation of Italy in the aftermath of the armistice of Cassibile, while simultaneously fighting against Italian Fascists during the Italian Civil War. Wikipedia
The underground political entity of Italian Partisans during the German occupation of Italy Wikipedia Disambiguation
Italian umbrella partisan organization Wikidata