Noun Concept
Categories: Legal term stubs, United States evidence law, Common law legal terms, Judicial legal terminology, United States patent law
redirect examination  reexamination  Inter Partes Reexamination  ex parte reexamination  Inter partes reexamination in US patent law
(law) questioning of a witness by the party that called the witness after that witness has been subject to cross-examination WordNet 3.0
(law) questioning of a witness by the party that called the witness after that witness has been subject to cross-examination WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
Redirect examination, in the United States, is the questioning of a witness who has already provided testimony under oath in response to direct examination as well as cross examination by the opponent. Wikipedia
In United States patent law, a reexamination is a process whereby anyone—third party or inventor—can have a U.S. patent reexamined by a patent examiner to verify that the subject matter it claims is patentable. Wikipedia
A trial process in law Wikipedia Disambiguation
US legal term Wikidata
Legal procedure related to patents Wikidata