Noun Concept
Categories: Catholic Church legal terminology, Christian terminology, Sacred places and times in Catholic canon law, Catholic holy days, Mass (Catholic Church)
holy day of obligation  day of obligation  days of obligation  holiday  Holiday of obligation
A day when Catholics must attend Mass and refrain from servile work, and Episcopalians must take Communion WordNet 3.0
A day when Catholics must attend Mass and refrain from servile work, and Episcopalians must take Communion WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
In the Catholic Church, holy days of obligation are days on which the faithful are expected to attend Mass, and engage in rest from work and recreation, according to the third commandment. Wikipedia
Wikimedia list article Wikidata
A feast day on which the faithful are expected to attend Mass. Wiktionary
Feast day on which the faithful are expected to attend Mass. Wiktionary (translation)