Noun Concept
Categories: Management accounting, Corporate finance, Financial ratios, Profit, Articles with imported dually licensed text
margin of profit  profit margin  gross margin  Gross margin ratio  gross profit margin
Profit margin is a financial ratio that measures the percentage of profit earned by a company in relation to its revenue. Wikipedia
Gross margin is the difference between revenue and cost of goods sold, divided by revenue. Wikipedia
The fraction of revenue that is left after paying expenses Wikipedia Disambiguation
Profit margin is the ratio between turnover and profit, in other words, what percentage of turnover remains as profit for the company Wikidata
The difference between revenue and direct cost, often expressed as the ratio gross margin percent. Wiktionary
The ratio of net income to net sales of a company expressed as a percentage. Wiktionary
Ratio of income to sales. Wiktionary (translation)
If a company has $10,000 net income and $100,000 net sales, then the profit margin equals ($10,000 : $100,000) .10, or 10%. Wiktionary