Noun Concept
Categories: Physical geography, Geomorphology, Gravity, Earth sciences, Geological processes
morphology  geomorphology  geomorphologist  geomorphic  geomorphologic
The branch of geology that studies the characteristics and configuration and evolution of rocks and land forms WordNet 3.0
The branch of geology that studies the characteristics and configuration and evolution of rocks and land forms WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
Geomorphology is the scientific study of the origin and evolution of topographic and bathymetric features generated by physical, chemical or biological processes operating at or near Earth's surface. Wikipedia
The study of landforms Wikipedia Disambiguation
Scientific study of landforms and the processes that shape them Wikidata
The study of the classification, description, nature, origin, and development of present landforms and their relationships to underlying structures, and of the history of geologic changes as recorded by these surface features. OmegaWiki
Someone who studies geomorphology. OmegaWiki