Noun Concept
Categories: Articles with short description, Retail formats, Department stores
department store  emporium  department store chain  department stores  departmental store
A large retail store organized into departments offering a variety of merchandise; commonly part of a retail chain WordNet 3.0
A department store is a retail establishment offering a wide range of consumer goods in different areas of the store, each area specializing in a product category. Wikipedia
A retail store that includes many specialized departments such as clothing or household items Wikipedia Disambiguation
Retail establishment offering a wide range of consumer goods. Wikipedia Disambiguation
A retail store offering a wide range of consumer goods Wikipedia Disambiguation
Retail establishment; building which offers a wide range of consumer goods Wikidata
A retail organization which carries a wide range of merchandise that is organized into separate departments for the purpose of promotion, service and control. OmegaWiki
A large retail store, esp. one selling a great variety of articles. OmegaWiki
A large store containing many different departments, each of which deals in the sale of different goods or services. Wiktionary
Store containing many departments. Wiktionary (translation)