Noun Concept
Categories: Monopoly (economics), Webarchive template other archives, Economics of regulation, Public economics, Market structure
denationalization  denationalisation  privatization  privatisation  Asset sale privatization
Changing something from state to private ownership or control WordNet 3.0
Changing something from state to private ownership or control WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
Privatization can mean several different things, most commonly referring to moving something from the public sector into the private sector. Wikipedia
Transferring something from the public sphere to the private Wikidata
The transfer of ownership or control of a government enterprise or other governmental property to a non-public, non-official company, organization or individual, either through sale or through the establishment of a special enterprise outside direct government control. OmegaWiki
The act or process of denationalizing, of removing from government control. Wiktionary
The transfer of a company or organization from government to private ownership and control. Wiktionary
Transfer from the government to private ownership. Wiktionary (translation)